The Moments Archive

Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service


As we step into the mid-May warmth, the world around us burgeons with life and vitality, echoing the theme of abundance.

Dear Readers,

As we step into the mid-May warmth, the world around us burgeons with life and vitality, echoing the theme of abundance. In observing nature’s generosity—be it in the lush greenery, the bustling wildlife, or the extended daylight—we find a powerful metaphor for our own lives. Abundance surrounds us, not only in the physical world but also within the less tangible realms of creativity, relationships, and personal growth.

Abundance is a mindset that recognizes and appreciates the fullness of life. It’s about seeing life’s blessings in every moment and understanding that our perception can either restrict or expand how much we enjoy and appreciate our lives.

try this simple practice

  1. This morning, affirm to yourself, "Today, I will find abundance in simple pleasures and everyday interactions." This mindset can help shift focus from what's lacking to what's available.

  2. Keep an eye out for abundance today—whether it's children's laughter, a neighbor's kindness, or insights from a book. These moments remind us of life’s richness beyond financial means.

  3. Spend a few minutes this evening reflecting on the day’s abundant moments. Jot them down to reinforce feelings of gratitude and contentment.

By recognizing the abundance that permeates our lives, we can foster a sense of contentment and belonging that does not rely on wealth. This approach not only deepens our appreciation of the world but also enriches our interaction with it, creating a cycle of positivity and gratitude.

Yours in the journey,


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Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service


Nourishment is a fundamental aspect of our lives, extending far beyond the meals on our plates

Dear Readers,

Nourishment is a fundamental aspect of our lives, extending far beyond the meals on our plates. It encompasses everything that feeds our soul and being - from the conversations that spark joy to the activities that replenish our energy. Nourishing oneself is a multidimensional act of self-care that invites abundance, health, and contentment into our existence.

This week, we explore the various ways we can nourish our whole selves, not just physically, but emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.

try this simple practice

  1. Identify what aspects of your life need more nourishment. Is it your body, mind, or spirit?

  2. Choose one action each day that serves this need. It might be preparing a healthy meal, reading a thought-provoking book, engaging in meaningful dialogue, or engaging in heartfelt prayer.

  3. Reflect each evening on how this act of nourishment made you feel. Acknowledge its value and make a plan to incorporate it regularly into your life.

Nourishment of self is an art, and like any art, it requires attention, intention, and regular practice. This practice is about tuning in to your body's signals, honoring your emotional needs, challenging your intellect, and embracing your spiritual journey.

May your week be filled with the rich textures of personal nourishment, painting your days with vibrancy and depth.

Yours in the journey,


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Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service

life’s simple pleasures

In our pursuit of grand goals and significant achievements, these small delights often go unnoticed

Dear Readers,

This week, we turn our attention to life's simple pleasures - those everyday moments and experiences that bring unexpected joy and contentment. In our pursuit of grand goals and significant achievements, these small delights often go unnoticed, yet they are the very essence of a life well-lived.

Life's simple pleasures are about finding joy in the ordinary. It's the warmth of the sun on your face, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, or the soothing sound of rain against the window. These moments, when appreciated, can transform the mundane into the extraordinary.

try this simple practice

  1. Today, take a moment to identify one simple pleasure in your day.

  2. When you encounter this simple pleasure, pause for a moment. Allow yourself to fully experience and savor every aspect of it.

  3. At the end of the day, reflect on this simple pleasure and how it contributed to your day. Does it bring a sense of peace? A smile? A feeling of gratitude?

Life’s simple pleasures are a reminder that joy doesn't always come from grand achievements or life-changing events. It often lies in the everyday experiences that we sometimes take for granted. This week, let's make a conscious effort to recognize and cherish these moments.

May your week be filled with the beauty of life's simple pleasures, reminding you of the richness of ordinary moments.

Yours in the journey,


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Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service

deepening connections

Relationships are integral to our human experience.

Dear Readers,

Relationships are integral to our human experience. They offer joy, challenge, learning, and the profound beauty of connection. But relationships can also become habitual, losing depth and intentionality. It's easy to fall into a routine where we engage with others on auto-pilot, rather than from a place of mindful presence and intention.

This week, let's focus on infusing more intentionality into our relationships, enriching our interactions and connections with those around us.

try this simple practice

  1. Choose one relationship to focus on this week.

  2. Identify one way you'd like to be more intentional in this relationship.

  3. Put this intention into action. It might be setting aside undisturbed time to talk, expressing appreciation, or actively listening during your interactions.

Cultivating intentional relationships involves being present, listening deeply, expressing genuine care, and continually striving for understanding. It's about valuing the connection more than being right and investing in the growth of the relationship.

May your week be filled with deep, meaningful connections.

Yours in the journey,


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Arrival Counseling Service Arrival Counseling Service

embracing change

Change, as they say, is the only constant in life.

Dear Readers,

Change, as they say, is the only constant in life. It's an inevitable part of our existence, shaping our experiences, our perspectives, and ultimately, who we are. While it can be daunting and uncomfortable, change also brings opportunities for growth and transformation.

This week, let's explore how we can intentionally embrace change, seeing it not as an adversary, but as a companion on our journey.

try this simple practice

  1. Identify one change that's happening in your life right now.

  2. Reflect on how this change makes you feel.

  3. Reflect also on the opportunities it might bring.

Commit to facing this change with courage and openness, no matter what it brings. Embracing change is about acknowledging the challenges in our lives and still choosing to step forward, trusting in our capacity to adapt and grow.

As you navigate the ebbs and flows of your life, may you find courage in your ability to welcome change and find growth within it.

Yours in the journey,


Looking for more Moments? Intentional Moments Archive

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