exercising with presence

Dear Readers,

Many of us approach exercise as a mere means to an end, be it weight loss, strength building, or enhancing our overall health. While these objectives are undoubtedly valuable, an exclusive focus on results can lead us to miss the inherent beauty of the process.

Incorporating mindfulness and presence into our workouts transforms them from routine tasks into enriching, meditative experiences.

This week, let's embrace exercising with presence. For those not currently engaged in a regular exercise regimen, consider this a gentle nudge to mindfully embark on one.

try this simple practice

  1. Before you begin your workout, take a moment to set an intention. This could be as simple as, "I will remain present and mindful during my exercise."

  2. As you exercise, pay attention to your breath. Try to synchronize your movements with your breath. This creates a rhythm that can help keep you focused and present.

  3. Notice the sensations in your body. Instead of tuning them out, tune into them. Feel your muscles working, your heart beating, and your body moving.

The intention here is not to push yourself to the limit, but to experience the fullness of the moment. You're not just exercising your body, but also nurturing your mind and spirit.

May your week be filled with mindful movements and moments of presence.

Yours in the journey,


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