the value of presence

Dear Readers,

One of the greatest treasures we can discover lies right where we stand - in the immediacy of the present. Amid the shadows of past and the glimmers of the future, the vibrant light of 'now' often remains unnoticed. Yet, it is in this vibrant immediacy where life's true colors shine.

Presence goes beyond the mere act of showing up. It means bringing the full spectrum of our awareness, our senses, and our emotions to the stage of the present moment. It is the act of deliberately partaking in life's play, scene by scene, as it unfolds around us.

This week, let's explore the value of presence.

try this simple practice

  1. Find a moment in your day in which you are focused on the past or future, or the tasks on your to-do list.

  2. Make a choice to pause and simply observe the world around you, in real time.

  3. As you're in this moment, allow yourself to be fully absorbed by the experience. Use your senses to engage fully with the now.

The practice of presence subtly intertwines with the transformation of our routines, emphasizing more an inner shift in perspective. This shift cultivates a newfound appreciation for the simple moments that we often overlook.

May your week be punctuated by moments of profound presence, adding depth and richness to the fabric of your everyday life.

Yours in the journey,


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saying yes to yourself


flowing with life